Rust Wipe Schedule

What is a force wipe? When is wipe? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this article.

Table of Contents

What is a Rust server wipe?

A Rust server wipe is a regularly scheduled event where all or part of the game’s data on a server is deleted, essentially resetting the game environment. This includes the removal of buildings, player inventories, and sometimes even learned blueprints (BPs). Wipes are crucial for preventing servers from becoming overcrowded with structures and to level the playing field for all players, encouraging new strategies and fresh alliances. A rust server wipe is not the same as a Rust force wipe. The main difference is that a rust force wipe is required on a game update, usually monthly whereas server owners can choose their own regular wipe schedule (e.g. wiping weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly)

RustAustralia Server Wipe Times

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When do Rust servers wipe in Australia?

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Live Force Wipe Countdown

When do Rust Console servers wipe?

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Do you keep BPs after a wipe in rust?

Whether or not blueprints are wiped depends on the server’s settings. Official servers reset BPs every month on force wipes. However, many modded & community servers opt to preserve BPs through wipes, allowing players to retain their progression in this aspect of the game. For example, RustAustralia’s modded trio server only resets blueprints on force wipe, however the map wipes weekly whilst retaining blueprints.

What does biweekly mean in Rust?

In Rust, “biweekly” can refer to servers that wipe every two weeks, offering a middle ground between the rapid pace of weekly wipes and the extended gameplay of monthly cycles. Biweekly wipes attract players looking for a balance between building and maintaining longer-term projects and the fresh start provided by regular wipes.


RustAustralia 1.5x Fortnightly | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad

How to connect?

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Cheating or Scripting

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

Game Exploits

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

Spam / Racism / Abuse

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.


Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

Group Rules

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.


Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

EAC / Game Bans

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.

Staff Applications

Do not use any third-party paid or free programs which provide an unfair advantage in-game. This includes scripts which can perform any action that is otherwise not possible to be performed ingame.